Death in the Workplace

More than 6,000 people die every day in the United States.  As a result, more than 8 million people will be directly affected by a death this year.  So, sooner or later, most managers will be called on to provide caring support for someone who has lost a loved one and to demonstrate leadership for those who work with them.

It has been estimated that grief-related losses cost U.S. companies as much as $75 billion annually, and most of those costs accrue from absenteeism and presenteeism.

Absenteeism is self-explanatory, and results in a reduction of the overall quantity of work achieved by an employee.  Presenteeism is a less well known term which refers to a reduction of the quality of work achieved, even when the employee is present.  Bereavement and grief will cause both of these phenomena to impact an employer’s bottom line and they need to be managed carefully, sensitively and efficiently.

But grief management is more than just a bottom line issue.  How a company and its managers cope with such a delicate and emotionally charged situation will send strong messages to the entire workforce – and beyond.  When handled well, the benefits in overall productivity, loyalty, morale and reputation will be immeasurable.  When handled poorly, those same precious communal assets can be irretrievably damaged.

The Grief Workshop is designed for upper and middle management executives who may be called upon to demonstrate both compassion and clarity when dealing with a staff member who is grieving.

The short course (4 hours) covers

1.      The Basics of Grief:  The physical, mental and emotional symptoms that accompany the stress of bereavement; the typical patterns of grieving; timelines and expectations.

2.      How to deal with the bereaved staff member; helpful strategies; interpersonal do’s and don’t’s; corporate / departmental / HR support policies (leave / flextime / etc).

3.      What to advise the bereaved staff member’s workmates; how to manage their actions and expectations.

4.      Death of a staff member.  Applying the lessons of 1), 2), & 3).  Desk clearing.  Work reassignment.  Preparing for his / her replacement.       

The short course is designed for 10 attendees,

The long course (6 hours) covers 1) thru 4) above, plus 

5.      Other work impacting losses and stressors, including layoffs, divorces, relocation, acculturation and chronic illness.

6.      Mental health in the workplace, including depression, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, suicidality.  What to watch for, who to turn to – and when.  

The long course is designed for 12 – 15 attendees. 

For further details and prices please contact:

Chris Haws MA (Hons) GC-C.  

T:  +1 (202) 345 6394 



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